Thursday, April 23, 2009

It wont be wrong ANYMORE~HAHAHA!!!!happy birthday,nyce babe~

Today~i m very is nyce babe's birthday~
after being hin ka,send nyce nyce early wish~
but luckly my hin ka still cheer her up a bit bit..tat tiny bit~
as she said,last year i greet her 2 days after her birth
this year i greet her a day early...
my gosh~i can only say date doesnt work very well in my brain...
hehehe,by the way~i wish to share my supur duper "nice" voice with our birthday girl~

Hapi burst day to u,
hapi burst day to u,
hapi burst say hapi burst day,hapi burst day to u~


Wish our NyceTheFoxie not drunk on the 1st few hours,hahaha~
have a gud one with her love one n family~
may my dai lou,GOD always around her and bless her..
lead her and give her wisedom to choose her future~

IngIng support u as before,never less but ever more~
and ya,i send my hugz through post laju,hopefully u got it today~HAHAHA!!!
once again,happy birthday to NyceTheFoxie

Ojipala from IngTheMonkey