Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10 things that i cannot tahan

There is 10 things i cannot tahan (inspired by Chessie)

1. I cannot tahan people wearing new shoes/heels without taking off the price tag in the 1st place. It is very uncool to do so. Please remember girls.

2. I cannot tahan people's fringe tanggling down like a curtain hanging on their face.

3. I cannot tahan turtle -speed connection and pop-up!

4. I cannot tahan people messing up my bedroom , but i myself can. LOL!

5. I cannot tahan delicious exotic food

6. I cannot tahan people looking at me from head to toe as if they are somesort of beauty contest judges. Manners , dear.

7. I cannot tahan when i apply my lipgloss, the wind blows and it sticks on my lip, Yuck.

8. I cannot tahan my working place in dull,bold colours, i just cannot tahan. Thus, the small little windmill that i brought few weeks back, the room looks a lot better now*wink*

9. I cannot tahan a day without internet, oh this is how i entertain myself in the office. Haha.
i google, i fb , i blog, i search for all the colourful trendy stuff here. Internet, the best creation of all.

10. I cannot tahan my tummy which is getting bigger and bigger. Eat ,work, internet, work , eat , tv, internet , sleep. That explains why the big round tummy .=(


What's the 10 things that u cannot tahan?